2018 Canadian Finals RodeoOct 27, 2018 by Katy Lucas
Binge Watch: 2018 Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede
Binge Watch: 2018 Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede
As CFR45 draws near, it's time to binge watch some of the top rodeos of the entire season that were crucial in many competitor's finals qualifications.

The Finning Pro Tour is made up of the highest-paying rodeos of the entire Canadian Professional Rodeo Association season. One of the stops on that top tour is in Medicine Hat, Alberta for the Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede.
As the Canadian Finals Rodeo draws near, we're binge-watching those rodeos that were crucial to many rodeo competitor's CFR qualification.
Watch the Canadian Finals Rodeo LIVE on FloRodeo October 30 to November 4, 2018.
Watch the entire Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede below.